CENTER WEST delivers a distinctive business environment that enhances your company’s reputation for quality and style. The manner in which this environment is maintained also contributes to the Tenant’s image of efficiency and effectiveness. CENTER WEST is committed to providing a level of maintenance and upkeep that is superior to that of any other building in the area.
A highly experienced team of day porters and janitors is responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of the Building. They are on duty Monday through Friday and, when necessary, can be dispatched to areas in the Building that require special attention.
CENTER WEST also employs a night janitorial crew to cover all areas of general building maintenance not performed during the day. Regular service is scheduled to begin at 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday and at 8:00 am on Saturday. Janitorial services are not provided on Friday, Sunday, or Building holidays.
Tenants may also request special cleaning service by contacting Building Management during normal business hours. If the requested service is beyond the scope of the Building’s standard, Tenant will be advised of any costs and the charges for the requested service will be billed accordingly. Please note that only Tenant’s authorized personnel may request special services.