Tenant Manual

CENTER WEST Building Management provides an emergency procedures manual, which is distributed to each Tenant upon occupancy of the Building. Management reviews the “Floor Warden Procedures” with the Tenant and is available to present the information to Tenant’s employees upon request. It is vital that the Tenant educate every employee in these procedures, as required by law. The information must also be presented to Tenant’s new employees and should be included as part of any employee orientation program. Additionally, it should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure a thorough knowledge and understanding of the emergency procedures for this Building.

These procedures have been developed in cooperation with the Los Angeles City Fire Department in compliance with provisions of the California Code of Regulations, Title 19, the Los Angeles Municipal Code, and the Los Angeles Fire Code. It is required, by law, to be distributed to all tenants within high-rise buildings in the City of Los Angeles, and pertains to CCR Title 19, Los Angeles Municipal Code, and the Los Angeles Fire Code. The provisions of Section 3.09 and 3.10 of Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations require that persons responsible for new and existing high-rise buildings comply with the Emergency Pre-Fire Planning and Evacuation Requirements as set forth in the manual. Owners, managers, operators, administrators, and tenants of all high-rise buildings in the City of Los Angeles must comply with these requirements.

An emergency evacuation (fire) drill is conducted at the Building annually. All Tenants, their employees, visitors and other Building occupants, without exception, are required to participate in this exercise. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in fines or other penalties imposed by governing authorities.