Except in very rare circumstances, the decision to evacuate the building due to severe weather will not be made by Building Management, but rather by each Tenant.
The following guidelines should be observed:
- Do not panic.
- Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds to provide protection from broken glass.
- Prior to evacuating, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you.
- If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows.
- Use the stairwells rather than the elevators.
If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so.
In the event of a flood that may damage Tenant property or affect the normal operation of the Building, designated Tenant representatives will be contacted by Building Management regardless of the time of day. The first priority is to ensure that no personal injury occurs as a result of the flood. The second priority is to discover the cause and prevent or minimize additional flooding. Once the flooding has been contained, clean up operations will commence. Tenants will need to contact their insurance carrier for any damage to their property.